Лучшие друзья (СИ) - Кактус Надя (читать книги полностью без сокращений TXT) 📗
I'm still here with you
Cuz you're still my lady, cuz you're my lady
I swear I'm gonna make you happy
for the rest of our lives
Cuz you're my lady and I'm your best friend,
and I'm your best friend
Some people said that we would never survive we showed
them that
dreams can come true and it's for sure
Our secret lies behind and endless friendship and nothing
could tear us apart
You're such a loyal friend and now I know that I'll never find
somebody quite like you
I appreciate the day you came and you stayed
And after everything that we've been through
I'm still here with you
Cuz you're still my lady, cuz you're my lady
I swear I'm gonna make you happy
for the rest of our lives
Cuz you're my lady and I'm your best friend,
and I'm your best friend
True love is so hard to find
Especially if it's someone you can call your best friend
No matter what problems occur you will overcome them with her
And after everything that we've been through
I'm still here with you
Cuz you're still my lady, cuz you're my lady
I swear I'm gonna make you happy
for the rest of our lives
Cuz you're my lady and I'm your best friend,
and I'm your best friend
Под конец они уже стояли рядом.
- С Днем Рождения, - пара нежно обнимающаяся, вызвала бурю эмоции, кто-то вздыхал, а кто-то целовался. - Кто у нас?
- Две девочки, - Мишины глаза просияли безумным счастьем. - Я люблю тебя, мой лучший друг.
- А я тебя, подруга, - поцелуй.
Думаю на этом и стоит закончить. И банальное "Они жили долго и счастливо", тут пожалуй, не подойдет. Здесь будет так...
Стали жить поживать да детишек рожать, песенки петь и людей покорять.