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The person in the attractive field of power - Низовцев Юрий Михайлович (читать хорошую книгу полностью .TXT) 📗

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2.3. Primitiveness in combination with vigor, skill to communicate meanness and cunning.

The elite, seeming at first glance by a community of a respectable, understanding, educated and cultured public, who is in constant concern for the people put forward it, in fact, there is a bunch of little savvy, hypocritical crooks and rascals who hate each other and hurt each other at the slightest opportunity.

Representatives of the elite got out on the surface either thanks to conjunction of casual circumstances, either as a result of kinship or friendship, or by buying a place for them on pre-stolen money, or by rubbing themselves into the confidence to any significant figure in power, etc. Creativity and a high mind are not required for it.

First of all, it is necessary energy, luck, cunning to draw attention to himself of the necessary people, hypocrisy, fawning, full immorality and uncleanliness in all transactions, lack of conscience, impudence in combination with humility at the right time, ability to fornicate the words seeming true and inspiring, but not containing in themselves any own or even borrowed the sensible and original thoughts, because those thoughts into a silly head do not come, whereby it is necessary to involve the help of an intelligent but sluggish colleagues; ability to push aside rivals from "body" of the ruler or leader, to give at the right time the file or to support under a elbow, to justify oneself in the stupidity committed, having shifted the blame on the others, to be faithful and reliable till a certain moment, which similar swindlers feel by the upper flair, etc.

A significant deviation from these properties immediately leads to negative consequences. Therefore, for the sake of honors, privileges, material benefits, an opportunity to command the masses with a finger movement, one has to be a permanent villain, who is not always, but yet can come to his senses already in a different environment: either in prison or in retirement, or having run away toward palm trees with coconuts.

The similar environment easily cultivates traitors who in order to avoid material losses go on deals with any enemies of the motherland.

Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.

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