Наука в свободном обществе - Фейерабенд Пол (книги полностью .TXT) 📗
18. Copernicus N. Letter Against Werner. — In: Rosen E (ed.). Three Copemican Treatises. New York, 2nd ed. 1959, pp. 91 — 106. Послание Коперника против Вернера. — В: Коперник Н. О вращениях небесных сфер. М., 1964.
19. Coulter H.L. Divided Legacy. A History of the Schism in Medical Thought. Vols. I-IV. 1975-1994.
20. Curthoys J. and Suchting W. Feyerabend’s Discourse Against Method: A Marxist Critique. — Inquiry, vol. 20, 1977, pp. 243-371.
21. DeGraziaA. (ed.).The Velikovski Affair. New York, 1966.
22. Duhem P. To Save the Phenomena. Chicago, 1969 [Duhem P. Sozein ta Phainomena, Paris 1908].
23. Feyerabend P.K. Carnap’s Theorie der Interpretation Theoretischer Systeme. — Theoria, vol. 21, 1955.
24. Feyerabend P.K. Wittgenstein’s «Philosophical Investigations». — The Philosophical Review, vol. 64,1955, pp. 449—483.
25. Feyerabend P.K. Eine Bemerkung zum Neumannschen Beweis. — Zeitschriftfur Physik, vol. 145. 1956.
26. Feyerabend P.K. On the Quantum Theory of Measurement. — In: Korner S. (ed.). Observation and Interpretation. London, 1957.
27. Feyerabend P.K. An Attempt of a Realistic Interpretation of Experience. — Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society. New Series, vol. 58, 1958.
28. Feyerabend Р.К. Complementarity. — Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society. Supplement, vol. 32, 1958.
29. Feyerabend P.K. On the Interpretation of Scientific Theories. — Proceedings of the Xllth International Congress of Philosophy. Milan. 1960.
30. Feyerabend P.K. Das Problem der ExistenzTheoretischer Entitaten. — In: Probleme der Wissenschaftstheorie. Victor Kraft Festschrift. Wien, 1960.
31. Feyerabend P.K. Patterns of Discovery. — Philosophical Review, vol. 59, 1960.
32. Feyerabend P.K. Professor Bohm’s Philosophy of Nature. — British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, vol. 10, 1960.
33. Feyerabend P.K. Bohr’s Interpretation of the Quantum Theory. — In: Feigl H. and Maxwell G. (eds.). Current Issues in the Philosophy of Science. New York, 1961.
34. Feyerabend P.K. Explanation, Reduction, and Empiricism. — Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science, vol. Ill, 1962, pp. 28—97. Фейерабенд П. Объяснение, редукция и эмпиризм — В: Фейерабенд П. Избранные труды по методологии науки. М., 1986.
35. Feyerabend P.K. How to be a Good Empiricist. — Delaware Studies, vol. II, 1963.
36. Feyerabend Review ofErkenntnislehreby V. Kraft. —British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, vol. 13, 1963, pp. 319—323.
37. Feyerabend P.K. Realism and Instrumentalism. — In: Bunge M. (ed.) The Critical Approach. New York, 1964.
38. Feyerabend P.K. On the «Meaning» of Scientific Terms. — The Journal of Philosophy, vol. 62, 1965, pp. 266—274.
39. Feyerabend P.K. Reply to Criticism. — Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, vol. II, 1965, pp. 223—261. Фейерабенд П. Ответ на критику. — В: Структура и развитие науки. М., 1978.
40. Feyerabend P.K. Problems of Empiricism. — In: Colod-ny R. (ed.). Beyond the Edge of Certainty. Englewood Cliffs (NJ), 1965.
41. Feyerabend P.K. On the Possibility of a Perpetuum Mobile of the Second Kind. — In: Mind, Matter and Method. Minneapolis, 1966.
42. Feyerabend P.K. Structure of Science. — British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, vol. 6, 1966.
43. Feyerabend P.K. On the Improvement of the Sciences and the Arts, and the Possible Identity of the Two. — Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, vol. Ill, 1967.
44. Feyerabend P.K. On a Recent Critique of Complementarity, Part I. — Philosophy of Science, vol. 35, 1968, pp. 309— 331; Part II. - Ibid., vol. 36, 1969, pp. 82-105.
45. Feyerabend P.K. Science without Experience. — Journal of Philosophy, vol. 66, 1969, pp. 791—794.
46. Feyerabend P.K. Against Method. — Minnesota Studies for the Philosophy of Science, vol. IV, 1970, pp. 17—130. Фейерабенд П. Против методологического принуждения. — В: Фейерабенд П. Избранные труды по методологии науки. М., 1986. С. 125-466.
47. Feyerabend P.K. Classical Empiricism. — In: Butts R.E. and Davis J.V. (eds.). The Methodological Heritage of Newton. Oxford, 1970.
48. Feyerabend P.K. Consolations for the Specialist. — In: Lakatos I. and Musgrave A. (eds.). Criticism and the Growth of Knowledge. Cambridge, 1970, pp. 197—230. Фейерабенд П. Утешение для специалиста. — В: Фейерабенд П. Избранные труды по методологии науки. М., 1986.
49. Feyerabend P.K. Experts in a Free Society. — The Critic, November/December, 1970.
50. Feyerabend P.K. In Defence of Classical Physics. —Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science, vol. I, 1970.
51. Feyerabend P.K. On the -Interpretation of Macrophysical Theories. — Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science, vol. IV, 1970.
52. Feyerabend P.K. Problems of Empiricism. Part II. — In: Colodny R. (ed.) The Nature and Function of Scientific Theory. Pittsburgh, 1970.
53. Feyerabend P.K. Die Wissenschaftstheorie — eine bisher unbekannte Form des Irrsinns? — Proceedings of the German Conference of Philosophy. Kiel, 1972. Felix Meiner, Hamburg, 1973.
54. Feyerabend P.K. Von der beschrankten Gultigkeit methodologischer Regeln. — Neue Hefte fur Philosophie. Heft 2/3, Gottingen, 1972.
55. Feyerabend P.K. Einfiihrung in die Naturphilosophie, Braunschweig, 1974.
56. Feyerabend P.K. Popper’s Objective Knowledge. —Inquiry, vol. 17, 1974, pp. 475-507.
57. Feyerabend P.K. Toward a Humanitarian Science. — In: Feyerabend P.K. Ausgewalte Aufsatze. Wiesbaden, 1974.
58. Feyerabend P.K. Zahar on Einstein — British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, vol. 25, 1974, pp. 25—28.
59. Feyerabend P.K. Against Method. Outline of an anarchistic theory of knowledge. London, 1975. Фейерабенд П. Против метода. Очерк анархистской теории познания. М., 2007.
60. Feyerabend P.K. Imre Lakatos. — British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, vo 26, 1975, pp. 1 — 18.
61. Feyerabend P.K. Logic, Literacy, and ProfessorGellner. — British Journal for the Philosophy of Sctence, vol. 27,1976, pp. 381— 391.
62. Feyerabend P.K. On the Critique of Scientific Reason. — In: Howson C. (ed.). Method and Appraisal in the Physical Sciences. Cambridge, 1976, pp. 309—339.
63. Feyerabend P.K. and Agassi J. Comments and replies. — Philosophia, vol. 6, 1976, pp. 177—191.
64. Feyerabend P.K. Changing Patterns of Reconstruction. — British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, vol. 28,1977, pp. 351— 369.
65. Feyerabend P.K. Marxist Fairytales from Australia. — Inquiry, vol. 20, 1977, pp. 372-397.
66. Feyerabend P.K. From Incompetent Professionalism to Professionalized Incompetence — The Rise of a New Breed of Intellectuals. — Philosophy of the Social Sciences, vol. 8, 1978, pp. 37-53.
67. Feyerabend P.K. Science in a Free Society. London, 1978.
68. Feyerabend P.K. Derwissenschaftstheoretische Realismus und die Autoritat der Wissenschaften. Braunschweig-Wiesbaden, 1978.
69. Feyerabend P.K. Reply to Heilman’s Review. — Metaphilosophy, vol. 10, 1979, pp. 202—206.
70. Feyerabend P.K. Problems of Empiricism: Philosophical Papers, vol. 2. Cambridge, 1981.
71. Feyerabend P.K. Realism, Rationalism and Scientific Method. Philosophical Papers. Cambridge, vol. I, 1981; vol. II, 1983.
72. Feyerabend P.K. Wissenschaft als Kunst. F. am Main, 1984.
73. Feyerabend P.K. Farewell to Reason. London, 1987.
74. Feyerabend P.K. Against Method, 2nd revised ed. London, 1988.
75. Feyerabend P.K. Three Dialogues on Knowledge. Oxford, 1991.
76. Feyerabend P.K. Killing Time: The Autobiography of Paul Feyerabend. Chicago, 1995.