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Дао физики - Капра Фритьоф (полные книги .txt) 📗

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39. lames, W. The Varieties of Religious Experience. New York: "ong— mans. Green & Co., 1935.

40. leans, 1. The Growth of Physical Science. Cambridge, Eng.; Camb— ridge University Press, 1951.

41. Kapleau, P. Three Pillars of Zen. Boston: Beacon Press, 1967.

42. Kennett, 1. Selling Water by the River. New York: Vintage Books, 1972.

43. Keynes, О. [ей.). Blake-Complete Writings. New York: Oxford Universify Press, 1969.

44. Kirk 0. S. Heraclitus — The Cosmic Fragments. Cambridge, Eng.: Cambridge University Press, 1970.

45. Korгуbski, A. Science and Sanity. "akeville, Conn.: The Internatio— nal Non-Artstotetian "ibrary, 1958.

46 Krlshnamurti, i. Freedom from the Known. New York: Harper & Row, 1969.

47. Kuan Тги. Transl, W, A. Rlckett, Hong Kong University Press, 1965.

48. "ao Tzti. Tao Те Ching, transl. Ch'u Та-Као. New York: Samuel Weiser, 1973,

49 "ao Тги. Tao Те Ching, transl. Ola-fu Feng and lane English. New York: Vintage Books, 1972.

50. "eggett, T. A First Zen Reader. Rutland, Vermont: C. E. Tutfle, 1972.

51. "ovell, A. C. B. The Individual and the Universe. New York: Har— per. 1959.

52 -. Our Present Knowledge of the Universe. Cambridge, Mass.'. Harvard University Press. 1967.

53. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Bhagavad Gita. Chapters 1-6, transl. and commentary, Baltimore, Md.: Penguin Books, 1973.

54. Mascara, I, The Bhagavad Gita. Baltimore, Md.: Penguin Books, 1970.

55-. The Dhammapada. Baltimore, Md.: Penguin Books, 1973.

56. Mehra, 1. (ed.). The Physicist's Conception of Nature. D. Reidel, Dordrecht-Holland. 1973.

57. Miura, 1. and Fuller-Sasaki, R. The Zen Koan. New York: Harcourt Brace & World, 1965.

58. Mailer, F. M. (ed.). Sacred Books of the East. Vol. X"!X. Buddhist Mahayana Sutras, New York: Oxford University Press.

59. Mutti, T. R. V. The Central Philosophy of Buddhism. "ondon Alien & Unwin, 1955.

60. Needham, 1. Science and Civilization In China. Cambridge, Eng.i Cambridge University Press. 1956.

61. 0ppenhelmer, 1. R. Science and the Common Understanding. New York: Oxford University Press, 1954.

62. Radhakrishnan, S. Indian Philosophy. New York: Macrniltan, 1958.

63. Reps. P. Zen Flesh, Zen Bones. New York: Anchor Books.

64. Ross. N. W. Three Ways of Asian Wisdom. New York: Simon & Schuster. 1966.

65. Russell, В. History of Western Philosophy. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1945.

66. Sacks, Af. "Space-Time and Elementary Interactions in Relativityv, Physics Today, Vol. 22, pp. SI-60. February 1969.

67. Sciama, D. W. The Unity of the Universe. "ondon: Faber and Fa— ber, 1959.

68. Schilpp, P. A. (ed.). Albert Einstein: Philosopher-Scientist, Evans— ton. ill.: The "ibrary of "iving Philosophers, 1949.

69. Stace, W. T. The Teachings of the Mystics. New York: New Ameri— can "ibrary, I960.

70. Stapp, H. P.

71. Suiukl, D. T. The Essence of Buddhism. Kyoto, lapan: Hozokan, 1968.

72. -. Outlines of Mahayana Buddhism. New York; Schocken Books, 1963.

73. -. On Indian Mahayana Buddhism. E. Conze (ed.). New York: Harper & Row. 1968.

74. -. Zen and Japanese Culture. New York: Bollingen Series, 1959.

75. -. Studies in the "ankavatara Sutra. "ondon: Rout/edge (t Kegan Paul, 1952.

76. -. Preface to B. ". Suzukl, Mahayna Byddhism. "ondon: Alien & Unwin, 1959.

77. Thirring, W. tUrbaasfeine der Materiev. Almanach der Osteneichis— chen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vol. 118, pp. 153-62. Vienna, Austria. 1968.

78. Vtvekananda, S. Jnana Yoga, New York: Ramakrishna-Vivekanan— da Center. 1972.

79. Watts, A. W. The Way of Zen. New York: Vintage Books. 1957.

80. Weisskopf, V. F. Physics in the Twentieth Century. Selected Essays, Cambridge, Mass.: M. 1. T. Press. 1972.

81. Weyt, H. Philosophy of Mathematics and Natural Science. Prince— ton, N.Y. Princeton University Press, 1949.

82. Whitehead, A. N. The Interpretation of Science. Selected Essays, A. H. lohnson (ed.). Indianapolis. N. Y.: Bobbs-Merrill. 1961.

83. Wiener, P. P. "eibnitz-Selections, New York, IS51.

84. Wigner, Б. P. Symmetries and Reflections. Scientific Essays, Camb— ridg. Mass.: M. 1. T. Press. 1970.

85. Wilhelm, H. Change-Eight "ectures on the I Ching. New York: Harper Torchbooks, !964.

86. Whelm, R. The I Ching or Book of Changes. Princeton. N. i.: Prin— ceton University Press. 1967.

87. _____. The Secret of the Golden Flower. "ondon, 1972.

88. Woodward, F. ". (transl. and ed.). Some Sayings of the Buddha. New York: Oxford University Press. 1973.

89. Zimmer. H. Myths end Symbols in Indian Art and Civilization. Princeton, N. ": Princeton University Press. 1972.

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