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Дата добавления:
17 март 2020
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A beautiful jogger, drained of blood, dismembered, then meticulously reassembled on the the grass in Central Park. Subway derailments, plummeting elevators, collapsing construction cranes, apartment explosions—all creating a bloody, senseless puzzle. Detective Frank Quinn knows that even while the slayer is taunting the cops and the public, he’s also screaming to be caught. But Quinn will have to risk everything he holds precious to bring in this killer. . .

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Highest Praise for

John Lutz

“John Lutz knows how to make you shiver.”

—Harlan Coben

“Lutz offers up a heart-pounding roller coaster

of a tale.”

—Jeffery Deaver

“John Lutz is one of the masters of the police novel.”

—Ridley Pearson

“John Lutz is a major talent.”

—John Lescroart

“I’ve been a fan for years.”

—T. Jefferson Parker

“John Lutz just keeps getting better and better.”

—Tony Hillerman

“Lutz ranks with such vintage masters

of big-city murder

as Lawrence Block and Ed McBain.”

—St. Louis Post-Dispatch

“Lutz is among the best.”

—San Diego Union

“Lutz knows how to seize and hold the

reader’s imagination.”

—Cleveland Plain Dealer

“It’s easy to see why he’s won an Edgar

and two Shamuses.”

—Publishers Weekly


“The ninth entry in the Quinn series contains all the

elements fans have come to expect: a painstaking

procedural investigation, mordant humor, white-

knuckle suspense, and a three-dimensional villain.”



“One of the top ten mystery novels of 2013.”

—The Strand Magazine


“Grisly murders seen through the eyes of killer

and victim; crime scenes from which clues slowly

accumulate; a determined killer . . . compelling.”


“One of the ten best books of the year.”

—The Strand Magazine


“Wow, oh wow, oh wow . . . that’s as simple as I can

put it. You gotta read this one.”

—True Crime Book Reviews

Mister X

“A page-turner to the nail-biting end . . . twisty,

creepy whodunit.”

—Publishers Weekly (starred review)

Night Kills

“Lutz’s skill will keep you glued to this thick thriller.”

—St. Louis Post-Dispatch

Urge to Kill

“A solid and compelling winner . . . sharp

characterization, compelling dialogue, and graphic

depictions of evil.... Lutz knows how to keep

the pages turning.”


In for the Kill

“Shamus and Edgar award–winner Lutz gives us

further proof of his enormous talent . . . an

enthralling page-turner.”

—Publishers Weekly

Chill of Night

“The ingenuity of the plot shows that Lutz

is in rare form.”

—The New York Times Book Review

“A dazzling tour de force . . . compelling, absorbing.”

—St. Louis Post-Dispatch

Fear the Night

“A tense, fast-moving novel, a plot-driven page-turner

of the first order . . . a great read!”

—Book Page

Darker Than Night

“Readers will believe that they just stepped off a Tilt-

A-Whirl after reading this action-packed police


—The Midwest Book Review

Night Victims

“John Lutz knows how to ratchet up the terror.... He

propels the story with effective twists and a fast pace.”


The Night Watcher

“Compelling . . . a gritty psychological

thriller.... Lutz draws the reader deep into the

killer’s troubled psyche.”

—Publishers Weekly

Final Seconds

“Lutz always delivers the goods, and this is

no exception.”




*Carnage: The Prequel to “Frenzy” (e-short)



*Switch (e-short)


*Mister X

*Urge to Kill

*Night Kills

*In for the Kill

Chill of Night

Fear the Night

*Darker Than Night

Night Victims

The Night Watcher

The Night Caller

Final Seconds (with David August)

The Ex

Single White Female

* featuring Frank Quinn

Available from Kensington Publishing Corp. and

Pinnacle Books



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Kensington Publishing Corp.

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