Всемирная прачечная: Террор, преступления и грязные деньги в офшорном мире - Робинсон Джеффри (Джефри)
DENTON, SALLY and MORRIS, ROGER: The Money and the Power — The Making of Las Vegas and its Hold on America; Vintage Books, New York, 2002
DINGES, JOHN: Our Man in Panama; Random House, New York, 1990
EDDY, PAUL: The Cocaine Wars; Century Hutchinson, London, 1988
EISENBERG DENNIS, DAN URI and LANDAU ELI: Meyer Lansky — Mogul of the Mob; Paddington Press, New York, 1979
FERER, TOM, ed: Transnational Crime in the Americas; Routledge, New York, 1999
FIORENTINI, G. and PELTZMAN S: The Economics of Organized Crime; Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1995
FOGEL, JEAN-FRANCOIS: Le Testament De Pablo Escobar; Grasset, Paris, 1994
FOX, STEPHEN R: Blood and Power — Organized Crime in Twentieth Century America; Morrow, New York, 1989
FRIMAN, H. RICHARD: Narco Diplomacy — Exporting the US War on Drugs; Cornell University Press, Ithaca, 1996
FAITH, NICHOLAS: Safety in Numbers — The Mysterious World of Swiss Banking; Hamish Hamilton, London, 1984
FRANCES, DIANE: Contrepreneurs; Macmillan, Toronto, 1988
FRANKLIN, R: Profits of Deceit; Heinemann, London, 1990
FREEMANTLE, BRIAN: The Fix; Michael Joseph, London, 1985
GAGE, NICHOLAS: Mafia, USA; Playboy Press, Chicago, 1972
GAMBETTA, DIEGO: The Sicilian Mafia — The Business of Private Protection; Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1993
GARDNER, PAUL: The Drug Smugglers; Robert Hale, London, 1989
GARRISON, JIM: A Heritage of Stone; Putnam’s Sons, New York, 1970
GARRISON, JIM: On the Trail of the Assassins; Penguin, London, 1992
GATELY, WILLIAM and FERNANDEZ, YVETTE: Dead Ringer — An Insider’s Account of the Mob’s Colombian Connection; DI Fine, New York, 1994
GENTRY, CURT: J. Edgar Hoover — The Man and The Secrets; New American Library, New York, 1992
GIANCANA, SAM and GIANCANA, CHUCK: Double Cross; Warner Books, New York, 1992
GOLDFARB, RONALD L: Perfect Villains, Imperfect Heroes — Robert F. Kennedy’s War Against Organized Crime; Random House, New York, 1995
GOODE, JAMES: Wiretap — Listening in on America’s Mafia; Simon and Schuster, New York, 1988
GOSCH, M. A: Last Testament of Lucky Luciano; Little Brown, Boston, 1975
GUGLIOTTA, GUY and LEEN, JEFF: Kings of Cocaine; Simon and Schuster, New York, 1989
GUNST, LAURIE: Born Fi’ Dead — A Journey Through the Jamaican Posse Underworld; H. Holt, New York, 1995
HESS, HENNER: Mafia and Mafiosi; Saxon Hall, New York, 1973
HOGG, ANDREW; MCDOUGAL, JIM and MORGAN, ROBIN: Bullion; Penguin Books, London, 1988
IANNI, FRANCIS and REUSS-IANNI, ELIZABETH: The Crime Society; New American Library, New York, 1976
JENNINGS, ANDREW; LASHMAR, PAUL and SIMSON, VYV: Scotland Yard’s Cocaine Connection; Cape, London, 1990
JACOBS, JAMES B: Busting the Mob; New York University Press, New York, 1994
JOHNSON, VASSEL: As I See It; The Book Guild, Sussex, England, 2001
KARCHMER, CLIFF: Illegal Money Laundering — A Strategy and Resource Guide for Law Enforcement Agencies; Police Executive Resources, Washington, DC, 1988
KATCHER, LEO: The Big Bankroll; Harper and Row, New York, 1959
KEFAUVER, ESTES and UNITED STATES SENATE: Crime in America — Special Committee to Investigate Organized Crime in Interstate Commerce; Doubleday and Co, Garden City, 1951
KELLY, ROBERT J: Handbook of Organized Crime in the United States; Greenwood Press, Westport, 1994
KEMPE, FREDERICK: Divorcing the Dictator — America’s Bungled Affair with Noriega; Putnam, New York, 1990
KENNEY, DENNIS JAY and FINCKENAUER, JAMES: Organized Crime in America; Wadsworth Publishing, California, 1995
KERRY, JOHN: A New Kind of War — National Security and the Globalization of Crime; Simon and Schuster, New York, 1997
KESSLER, RONALD: The FBI; Pocket Books, New York, 1993
KESSLER, RONALD: The Richest Man In The World — The Story of Adnan Khashoggi; Warner Books, New York, 1986
KLEINKNECHT, WILLIAM: The New Ethnic Mobs — The Changing Face of Organized Crime in America; Free Press, New York, 1996
KOBLER, JOHN: Capone; Michael Joseph, London, 1972
KOCHAN, NICK WITH WHITTINGTON, BOB and POTTS, MARK: Dirty Money — The Inside Story of the World’s Sleaziest Bank; National Press Books, Washington, DC, 1992
KOSTER, R. M. AND BORBON, G. S: In the Time of the Tyrants; Secker and Warburg, London, 1990
KWITNEY, JONATHAN: The Crimes of Patriots; Touchstone, New York, 1987 KWITNEY, JONATHAN: The Fountain Pen Conspiracy; Knopf, New York, 1973
LACEY, ROBERT: Little Man — Meyer Lansky and the Gangster Life; Little Brown, Boston, 1991
LALLEMAND, ALAIN: L’Organizatsiya — La Mafia Russe а` L’Assaut Du Monde; Calmann-Levy, Paris, 1996
LAMOTHE, LEE and NICASO, ANTONIO: Global Mafia — The New World Order of Organized Crime; MacMillan, Toronto, 1994
LANCE, BURT: The Truth of the Matter, Summit, New York, 1991
LANE, MARK: Plausible Denial; Plexus, London, 1992
LAVIGNE, YVES: Good Guy, Bad Guy — Drugs and the Changing Face of Organized Crime; Random House, Toronto, 1991
LERNOUX, PENNY: In Banks We Trust; Anchor Press, New York, 1984
LOFTUS, JOHN and MCINTYRE, EMILY: Valballas Wake; Atlantic Monthly Press, New York, 1989
LYMAN, MICHAEL D. and POTTER, GARY W: Organized Crime; Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1997
LYMAN, MICHAEL: Gangland — Drug Trafficking by Organized Criminals; Charles Thomas, Illinois, 1989
MAAS, PETER: The Valachi Papers; Putnam, New York, 1968
MACDONALD, SCOTT: Dancing on a Volcano — The Latin American Drug Trade; Praeger, New York, 1988
MCALARY, MARK: Crack War; Robinson Publishing, London, 1990
MCCARL, HENRY N: Economic Impact of the Underground Economy — A Bibliography on Money Laundering and Other Aspects of Off-the-Record Economic Transactions; Vance Bibliographies, Monticello, Illinois, 1989
MARCHETTI, VICTOR and MARKS, JOHN D: The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence; Dell, New York, 1980
MARTIN, JOHN M. and ROMANO, ANNE T: Multinational Crime — Terrorism, Espionage, Drug and Arms Trafficking; Sage, California, 1992
MILGATE, BRIAN: The Cochin Connection; Chatto and Windus, London, 1987
MILLS, JAMES: The Underground Empire; Doubleday, Garden City, NY, 1986
MOKHIBER, RUSSELL AND WEISSMAN, ROBERT: Corporate Preditors; Common Courage Press, Maine, 1999
MUSTAIN, GENE and CAPECI, JERRY: Mob Star — The Story of John Gotti, the Most Powerful Man in America; Penguin, New York, 1989
NADELMANN, ETHAN: Cops Across Borders — The Internationalization of US Criminal Law Enforcement; Pennsylvania State University Press, University Park, 1993
NASH, JAY ROBERT: World Encylclopedia of Organized Crime; De Capo Press, New York, 1993
NASH, JAY ROBERT: Hustlers and Con Men; Evans, New York, 1976
NAYLOR, R.T: Bankers, Bagmen and Bandits; Black Rose, New York, 1990
NAYLOR, TOM: Hot Money and the Politics of Debt; Unwin, London, 1987
NICASO, ANTONIO and LAMOTHE, LEE: Global Mafia — The New World Order of Organized Crime; Macmillan Canada, Toronto, 1995
O’BRIEN, JOSEPH and KURINS, ANDRIS: Boss of Bosses; Simon and Schuster, New York, 1991
O’KANE, JAMES M: The Crooked Ladder — Gangsters, Ethnicity, and the American Dream; Transaction Books, New Jersey, 1992
O’NEILL, GERARD and LEHR, DICK: The Underboss — The Rise and Fall of a Mafia Family; St. Martin’s Press, New York, 1989
PADILLA, FELIX M: The Gang As an American Enterprise; Rutgers University Press, New Jersey, 1992
PETERSON, VIRGIL W: The Mob; Green Hill Publishers, Illinois, 1983
PETRAKIS, GREGORY J: The New Face of Organized Crime; Kendall/ Hunt Publishing, Iowa, 1992
PILEGGI, NICHOLAS: Wise Guy — Life in a Mafia Family, Pocket Books, New York, 1985
POSSAMAI, MARIO: Money on the Run; Viking, Toronto, 1992
PERISCO, JOSEPH: Casey; Penguin, New York, 1990