Словарь современных цитат - Душенко Константин Васильевич (читать хорошую книгу полностью .txt) 📗
иноязычных цитат
Артикль в начале цитаты указан в скобках и при построении алфавита не учитывается.
100 per cent Americanism Р-99
A l’ombre des jeunes filles en fleurs П-215
A la recherche du temps perdu П-214
Ab exterioribus ad interiora Ан-484
Above us only sky Л-226
Abschaum den Menschheit Ан-488
(The) absolute weapon Д-12
Across the river and into the trees Х-42
Advertising moves the goods Ан-281
(The) affluent society Г-300
Aimer-vous Brahms? С-1
Alcoholics Anonymous У-5
All about Eve Н-43
All that jazz Н-33
All the president’s men Б-126
All you need is love Л-2313
Alle Rader rollen zum Sieg! Ан-137
America, America К-5
American dream А-17
(The) American tragedy Д-115
American Way of Life Ан-303
Anatomia miliosci Н-12а
(The) Angry Young Men П-149
Animal Farm О-115
(L’)Anti-romаn Ан-305
Anus Mundi Т-64
Anything goes Ф-31
Apocalypse Now Ан-203
Appeasement AR-512
Aquarian Age Д-14
Arbeit macht frei Ан-215
(Los) бrboles mueren de pie К-30
(L’)archeologie du savoi Ф-69
(The) architect of Soviet reform Б-418
Arrivederci, Roma С-86
(The) ascent of Everest Х-13
(The) Asphalt Jungle Ан-308
Atlantic Community Л-267
Atoms for Peace Э-7
Au dessu de la melйe Р-82
(Der) aufhaltsame Aufstieg des Arturo Ui Б-302
(Une) aussi longue absence Н-177
(The) authoritarian personality А-20
Awake and sing! О-9
Back in the USSR Л-236
Back to the Future Н-110
Balance of terror П-112
Banality of evil А-82
Basic Instinct Н-130
Batalle du rail Ан-316
Battle of the Britain Ч-29
Be Prepared! Б-23
Beat Generation К-54
Believe It or Not Р-46
(Lа) Belle epoque Ан-523
(The) Bermuda Triangle Ан-315
Besa me mucho В-43
(The) best years of our lives Н-99
Better dead than red Р-33
Better red than dead Р-33
Better Than Money Ан-255
Bierkeller-Putsch Ан-502
(The) Big Bang Г-57
Big Beat Б-241
Big Brother О-101
Big Lie Г-106
Big Stick Policy Р-95
(The) Big Thaw Э-44
(The) Birth of a Nation Н-160
Black Box Э-51
Black hole Ан-599
Black humour Б-300
Black Is Beautiful Ан-222
Black Power Р-6
Black Tuesday Ан-600
(Der) blaue Engel Н-48
Bless the beast and the children С-36
Blitzkrieg Ан-317
Bloody Sundey Ан-426
Blowin’ in the wind Д-63
Blut und Boden К-123
Bonjour tristesse Э-31
Born to be wild Б-255
Brain storming Ан-449
Brain trust Ан-450
Brave new world Х-11
(The) Breakfast of Champions Ан-243
Brighter than a thousand suns Ю-2
Brinkmanship С-297
Brаin Drаin Ан-587
Brаin-wаshing Ан-527
Business as usual Ч-26
(The) business of America is business К-248
Cabbages and kings О-6
Candle in the wind Т-119
(The) cat that walked by himself К-78
(The) catcher in the rye С-334
C’est si bon О-99
(The) century of the common man У-8
Cet obscur objet du desir Н-211
Chance for Peace Л-232
(Le) charme discret de la bourgeoisie Н-170
Chewing gum for the eyes Б-291
(The) China Syndrome Н-87
Ciao, bambino, sorry! К-266
Cien anos de soledad Г-64
Citius, altius, fortius! Ан-230
City Lights Н-126
(The) clash of civilisations Х-14
(Le) client n’a jamais tort С-54
(A) Clockwork Orange Б-113
Close Encounters of the Third Kind Н-20
(Le) Cocu magnifique К-230
Cold peace Л-251
Cold war Б-50
Come home, America Ан-225
Comin’ in on a wing and a pray’r А-18
Conceptual Art Ф-45
(La) condition humain М-34
Consumer society И-26
(El) coronel no quien le escriba Г-63
Corridors of power С-149
(The) customer is always right С-54
Czlowiek z zelaza Н-198
Cyberspace Г-92
Dances with wolves Б-132
(The) dark lady of the sonnets Ш-89
Death of a Hero О-85
Deep Throat Н-47
Defense tous azimuts Э-30
(Le) defi american С-78
(Le) degre zero de l’ecriture Б-37
Desert Storm Ан-325
Desire under the elms О-95
Detente Ан-535
Deutschland, erwache! Э-21
(Le) deuxieme sexe Б-242
(The) Devil’s disciple Ш-90
(A) Diamond Is Forever Ан-228
Diamonds are a girl’s best friend Р-51
Diamonds Are Forever Ан-228
Dicke Berta Ан-319
(Les) Dieux ont soif Ф-58
(The) difficult we do immediately. The impossible takes a little longer Ан-580
Dirty Dancing Н-50
Divozzio all’italiana Н-157
(The) dogs of war Ф-56
(La) dolce vita Н-171
(The) Domino Principle Э-8
Don’t Cry for Me, Argentina Р-5
Don’t Die of Ignorance Ан-264
Don’t worry, by happy М-26
(The) doors of perception Х-10
Dostojewski – mit Massen М-117
Doublethink О-105
Dream Factory Ан-588
Dream Team Ан-415
(Das) Dritte Reich М-433
Drфle de guerre Ан-567
Du cфte de chez Swann П-213
Due soldi di speranza Н-51
Dumb and Dumber Н-185
E la nave va Н-12
East of Eden С-292
(Le) edad del amor Н-36
Eggheads Ан-613
Eherfurcht vor dem Leben Ш-55
Ein Reich, ein Volk, ein Fuhrer Ан-184
Elementary, my dear Watson! Д-83
(L’)Empire du mal Л-294
(The) empire strikes back Г-129
En attendant Godot Б-89
(The) end of History Ф-70
Endlosung der judischen Frage Ан-477
(An) English murder Х-107
Enrichisser-vous! Б-412
Entartete Art Ан-371
Entartete Kunst Ан-371
(L’)Entente cordiale Ан-549
Erinnerungen an die Zukunft Д-22
Erziehung vor Verden Ц-1
Escape from freedom Ф-67
Etre et avoir М-135
Europe des patries Д-17
Everything you’ve always wanted to know... Р-88
Evil Empire Л-294
Extra-sensory perception Р-4
Eyes Wide Shut Н-205