Словарь современных цитат - Душенко Константин Васильевич (читать хорошую книгу полностью .txt) 📗
May the force be with you Л-294а
(Die) Morder sind unter uns Н-187
Macht mit, macht nach, macht besser! Ан-236
Magisches Realismus Р-50
(The) Magnificent Seven Н-32
(Une) maison est une machine-а-habiter Л-90
Make it a green peace Д-13
Make love, not war Ан-156
(A) man for all seasons Б-249
(The) man who knew too much Ч-47
(The) managerial revolution Б-124
(Der) Mann ohne Eigencshaften М-521
Mass Culture Ан-444
Masse-Mensch Т-95
Massive retaliation Д-9
Masskult Ан-444
Matrimonio all’italiana Н-25
(The) Medium Is a Message М-24
(The) melting pot З-23
Men are from Mars, women are from Venus Г-259
Men in Black Н-100
Men like gods У-27
Men without women Х-46
Merchants of death Э-32
Microbe hunters Д-19
(Ein) militanter Humanismus М-116
(The) military-industrial complex Э-11
Mission: Impossible Н-104
Mit der Bombe leben В-5
Mobilitate viget Г-193
Modern Times Н-122
Moi ou chaos Г-137
Molotov cocktail Ан-412
(El) momento de la verdad Ан-451
Money, money, money Э-1
Monkey trial Ан-474
(Les) monstres sacre К-114
Moral Rearmament Б-415
More Stars than in Heaven Ан-227
Mort d’auteur Б-38
(La) mort est mon metie М-440
Mourir pour Dantzig? Д-16
(A) moveable feast Х-49
Muckrakers Р-96
Mujeros al borde de un ataque de nervios Н-65
Multipolar world Ан-448
(La) musique concrиte Ш-63
My fair lady Л-241
My Fair Lady Н-215
(Der) Mythus des 20. Jahrhunderts Р-79
(Die) Nacht der langen Messer Ан-472
Nacht und Nebel Ан-473
Nackt unter Wolfen А-78
Nation Shall Speak Peace unto Nation Р-38
Nesnesitelna lehkost byti К-257
(Der) neue Kurs Р-100
Neue Ordnung Г-107
Neue Sachlichkeit Х-32
Never Again Ан-223
Never Say Never Again Н-120
(The) New Age Ан-468
New Deal Р-100
(The) New Frontier К-46
New Left М-444
New Look Д-64
New Right Б-93
New Russians С-146
New world economic order Ан-469
New world order Б-419
Newspeak О-102
(The) Next Generation Н-141
Nie wieder! Ан-223
(A) Nightmare on Elm Street Н-91
No comment Ан-467
No pasaran! Ан-185
Nobody’s perfect У-2
(Le) Nњd de vipиres М-510
Non c’e pace fra gli ulivi Н-119
Non, je ne regrette rien В-126
Non-violence Г-58
Nostalgie n’est plus ce quelle etait В-8
(Le) Nouveau roman А-75
Nouvelle vague Ж-61
Novus ordo seculorum Г-107
Now it can be told Г-276
Of human bondage М-518
Oiseau bleu М-442
(The) old man and the sea Х-54
On les aura! П-97
One-dimensional man М-134
(L’)Opium des intellectuels А-90
Otono del patriarca Г-62
Otto e mezzo Н-40
Our case is just М-505
Our man in Havana Г-274
Overkill К-16
Pan-Europe К-242
Pane, amore e fantasia Н-194
Papa, Maman, la bonne et moi Н-133
Paradise Now! Ан-203
Parkinson’s law П-15
Parley at the summit Ан-347
Parlez-vous franglais? Э-50
Passive resistance Г-58
(The) Past is a Foreign Country Х-33
Patria o muerte! К-33
Patriot games К-95
Peace With Honour Ч-7
Pecking Order С-122
(The) People Princess Ан-458
(The) Perfect Murder Ан-398
Permissive society Ан-345
(Un) peu de soleil dans l’eau froide С-2
Play it again, Sam Э-38
Plus jamais! Ан-223
Pod samowarem siedzi moja Masza В-99
Police action Т-150
Policeman of the World Р-97
(The) policy of a good neighbour Р-102
Political correctness Ан-513
Portrait of the artist as a young man Д-46
Positions of strength Ан-511
(The) positive thinking П-107
Post-Modern Age Ан-516
(The) postman always ring twice К-43
(The) power elite М-445
Powers politics Ан-511
Prisoners of conscience Б-105
Professione reporter Н-150
Proletarian Democracy Ш-87
(Die) protestantische Ethik und der Geist des Kapitalismus В-42
Public Enemy No. One Ан-340
Pulp Fiction Н-93
Quality of life П-106
Qui etes vous monsieur Sorge? Н-94
(The) quiet American Г-275
Quinta columna Ан-532
Raffiniert ist der Herrgot, aber bоshaft ist er nicht Э-18
(Der) rasende Reporter К-84
(Un) realisme sans rivages Г-61
(La) Rebelio?n de las masas О-100
(La) reclam – c’est l’вme de commerce Ан-281
Regional powers Ф-52
Reitershund Ан-530
Reportaz psana na opratce Ф-72
(La) Resistance Г-133
(Die) Revision des Sozialismus Н-252
(Die) Revolution des Nihilismus Р-20
Rich man, poor man Ш-94
Right to know С-320
(Los) rigos tambien lloran Н-21
Roads we take О-4
(The) Roaring Twenties Н-179
Rock Around the Clock Н-223
Roman Holiday Н-159
Room at the Top Б-298
(Die) Russen kommen! Б-107
Russia in the shadows У-30
Russian Roulette Ан-543
(The) Russians are coming, the Russians are coming Б-107
(Das) russische Wunder Н-163
Sag mir, wo die Blumen sind? С-85
(Le) salaire de la peur А-88
Sale guerre Б-71
Samizdat Г-122
Save Our Souls Ан-559
Say It With Flowers О-15
Science Fiction Г-86
(Lo) scopone scientifico Н-79
(The) second oldest profession С-90
Sedotta e abbandonata Н-175
Seid bereit! Б-23
(The) Self-fulfilling prophecy М-441
Sempento Maria Н-149
Sendero luminoso Н-166
(The) seven pillars of wisdom Л-288
Sex & druggs & rok & roll Д-125
(The) sexual revolution Ан-547
Shock and Awe У-7
Shock therapy Ан-606
Shoot first, ask guestions later Г-77
(The) show must go on Ан-521
Shuttle diplomacy Ан-595
Silence of the Lambs Х-31
Silent Spring К-28
Silentium universi Ф-32а
(The) simple art of murder Ч-2
Sla forat, Frede! Н-17
Slawa i chwala И-23
Sleeping with the enemy П-197
Small is beautiful Ш-111
Smrt si zika Engelchen М-502
Snake in the tunnel Ш-64
Soap opera Ан-454
Soft underbelly of Europe Ч-33
(A) Soldier of the Great War Known unto God Ан-463
Soldаt inconnu Ан-463
Some Like It Hot Н-118
(The) son of the wild Л-280