Словарь современных цитат - Душенко Константин Васильевич (читать хорошую книгу полностью .txt) 📗
Fantфmas ce dechaine Н-192
(A) farewell to arms Х-50
(Den) farlige alder М-499
(Les) Faux amis К-55
Feind hort mit! Ан-179
Finger on the Button Ан-491
First blood М-516
First in, first out Ан-271
(The) First Lady in the Land Ан-497
(The) First World War Р-40
Flying saucers А-89
For whom the bell tolls Х-48
(La) force tranquille Ан-212
Forgive but never forget К-52
Forza Italia Ан-135
Founding Fathers Г-60а
(Die) Frau meiner Traume Н-54
Free at Last К-66
Freedom from fear Р-106
Freedom Now! Ан-203
From Dusk till Dawn Н-132
From Russia with love Ф-44
Furcht und Elend des Dritten Reiches Б-305
(The) Future Is Now Ю-1
Future shock Т-120
(Une) Generation Perdue С-190
Games people play Б-122
Geborgtes Leben Р-36
(Der) Geist von Weimar Э-2
Generation «P» П-93
Generation X К-126
(Das) Genie einer Nacht Ц-2
Gens una sumus Ан-258
(The) gentle grafter О-2
Gentlemen prefer blondes Л-302
Geschwindigkeit ist keine Hexerei Э-24
Gillette. The Best a Man Can Get Ан-242
Give peace a chance Л-232
(Das) Glasperlenspiel Г-89
(The) Global Village М-23
Globalization of Markets Л-88а
(Die) Gnade der spaten Geburt К-118а
Gnomes of Zurich В-80
God bless America Б-119
(The) Godfather П-226
(The) Gold Rush Н-76
Gone with the wind М-459
Gott strafe England! Ф-71
(A) government of laws, and not of men П-219
(La) grande bouffe Н-22
(Les) grande manoevres Н-24
Grandes vacances Н-23
(Les) grands hommes en robe de chambre Б-331
(The) grapes of wrath С-290
Great and Terrible В-127
(The) Great Crusade Ан-424
(The) Great Illusion Э-13
(The) Great Silent Majority Н-239
Great Society Д-51
(The) Great Terror К-120
Green Revolution Б-258
Greenpeace Д-13
Grosse Luge Г-106
Gruppo di famiglia in un interno Н-168
Guardie e lardi Н-143
(La) guerre de Troie n’aura pas lieu Ж-62
(La) Guerre sacree Л-73
Guerre totale Ан-577
(The) Gutenberg Galaxy М-22
Hackordnung С-122
(The) hand that rocks the cradle Н-162
Happy birthday to you Х-61
(A) Hard Day’s Nigh Л-229
(The) heart is a lonely hunter М-19
Heart of darkness К-122
Heartbreak house Ш-85
Heavy Metal Б-256
Heil Hitler Ан-218
Hell’s Angel’s Ан-304
Het volkommen huwelijk В-44
(The) Hidden Persuaders П-6
Hirochima, mon amour Г-247
His Master’s Voice Ан-235
(The) hollow men Э-27
(L’)Homme revolte К-13
Homo ludens Х-37
Hot Line Ан-362
How to Steal a Million Н-85
How to stop worrying and start living К-26
Hugo – helas! Ж-55
(The) Human Factor С-82
(L’)humor noir Б-300
Hurrapatriotismus Ан-586
I’ll be back Х-60
I am the greatest А-43
I chose freedom К-222
I do, I do, I do, I do, I do А-56
I Have a Dream К-65
I want to be alone Г-60
Ich bin ein Berliner К-50
Ich bin von Kopf zu Fuss auf Liebe eingestellt Х-91
Ideal Marriage В-44
Idiot box Ан-614
If anything can go wrong, it will Ан-391
If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it Л-5
Il est interdit d’interdire Ан-157
Il ne passeront pas! Ан-185
Il treno arriva all’orario Ан-524
Im Westen nichts Neues Р-37
(L’)imagination prend le pouvoir Ан-134
Imperium et Libertas Ф-30
In bed with Madonna П-197
In war there can be no substitute for victory М-18
Information highway Г-144
Intelligenzbestie К-223
(The) invisible man У-33
(The) iron heel Л-281
(The) Iron Lady Ан-386
It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World Н-210
It can’t happen here Л-306
Jak byc? kochana Б-290
Jazz Age Ф-39
Jedem das Seine Ан-160
Jeder stirbt fur sich allein Ф-5
Jesus Christ Superstar Н-214
(La) jeune garde Б-82
Jo ballo da sola Н-189
Just rattle your jewellery Л-228
(Der) Kaiser ging, die Generale blieben П-133
Kanonen statt Butter! Ан-194
Kill the Man Л-285
Kinder, Kuche, Kirche В-76
King Coal С-116
Kiss Me Kate Н-218
Kiss of death С-145
Kleiner Mann, was nun? Ф-6
Kraft durch Freude Ан-206
Kraft und Schonheit Ан-552
Krajobraz po bitwie Б-259
Krieg dem Kriege! Ан-131
Kristаllnаcht Ан-593
(Das) Land der unbegrenzten Moglichkeiten Г-142
Land of opportunity Г-142
(The) Law of the Jungle К-74
Lebensraum Г-271
Leri, ogi, domani Н-46
Lern to think Imperially Ч-8
Less is more М-457
Let’s make things better Ан-247
Let them bring me prisoners, and I’ll find them law Ан-327
Licence to kill Ф-41
Lie back and enjoy it Ан-537
Life after life М-520
Life begins at forty П-117
Like a rolling stone Д-62
(The) Limits to Growth Ан-520
Lingua Tertii Imperii К-89
Litteature engagee С-16
(The) little brown brother Ан-564
Little green men Ан-441
(A) little lady of the big house Л-283
Live and let die Ф-43
Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels Н-86
(La) loi c’est la loi Н-69
Lone Ranger Ан-476
(The) loneliness of the long-distance runner С-89
(The) lonely crowd Р-47
Lonely Hearts Club Л-234
(The) Long Hot Summer Ан-380
(The) Longest Day Р-3
Look back in anger О-118
Look homeward, angel В-155
(The) lost world Д-81
Love me tender, love me true М-188
Love story С-83
(The) Low of Raspberry Jam Х-6
Lucy in the sky with diamonds Л-235
Lust for life С-306
(Die) lustige Witwe Н-213